...cOnNecTinG thE dOtS!!
Monday, October 2, 2017
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
School – a Distant Dream
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Hardworking Sisters!
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Small Celebration with a Big Heart!
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Clay was Play when I was eight...
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
Rote learning to skill building!
Friday, March 25, 2011
In-credible India!

There is something about this country. Some power which goes unnoticed all the time. I somehow today very strongly feel that we are not a “developing nation” anymore. It is just that we are LAZY not to put the power we have to use. I really hope that someday the same kind of enthusiasm is expressed during ELECTIONS, such kind of talking happens about “Leaders of India” on platforms like Facebook etc. (Sure we talk about politics when we are facing issues, eg:- Telegana ) The irony is that “the yo

uth” believes in things like vastu and what not during a cricket match. (Sitting in the same pl
ace for hours, getting an acidity attack etc…) How do you comprehend these things? The
high that you get while watching a cricket match is just un- match -able with anything under the sun, totally agree!!
I finally managed to catch quite a bit of the IND vs AUS match on the 24.mar.11. This was my first match in the world cup, being from family of cricket enthusiasts. Surely I wanted India to win with all my heart. But then life goes on after a while!! I believe that right now at this point for me I just can’t stop and ask where all this enthusiasm goes when it is the most needed? What happens to us when we are still called the developing nation still after 60 b***** years of Independence? Oh yes…how I can forget, nobody cares!!Sure-fair enough!!
India will soon be nation with more than half the population less than 25 years!! I don’t see a lot changing with this “I don’t care” attitude. Least you can do is to VOTE for your government. We are so privileged to be in a democratic economy today unlike the Egyptians. We surely don’t know the importance of this. The youth of India has a power to make it or break it, just like anything else. Not too late to do your bit for this country, so that you can proudly say “Incredible India”. But for now let’s get the Pakistanis for life!!!
Jai hind!